Service & Maintenance
Heattec is also the consulting party for the specialized service and maintenance onto different kinds of furnace installations. We offer our specialized know-how to maintain your heat processing equipment in the best possible way. Our flexibility in this area will keep your processing equipment running in the most efficient way.
Our service department can serve you among others in the following disciplines
- Service, maintenance and refurbishment of brick- and ceramic isolation
- Service and maintenance of all kinds of combustion equipment
- Mechanical and electrical service and maintenance onto furnace installations and transport systems, no matter what age or manufacturer.
- Temperature calibration of batch furnace systems
- Optimising of heat processes and furnace systems
- Heating elements, furnace modules and spare parts
Our service and maintenance activities mainly focus onto furnace equipment, made by several former furnaces manufacturers such as Calmatech, Gemco Furnaces, Smit Ovens and Sinus Aben Heattechnology, although furnace installations of others can be serviced as well.
Our service department is on call 24 hours a day, and on request we can solve your heat processing problems on short notice.
If you have any questions, please contact us using the button below and we will respond as soon as possible.